
根據小帥哥給我的小禮物顯示, 銅器也是這邊的一大收藏品
(小帥哥照片到 還好沒跟網站差很多)

這邊的銅器展示除了幾個類似面具面積較大外, 其他都是不超過手掌大小的
看到這個我真的傻眼了, 這是繼上次我買到希臘'愛的體位'撲克牌後, 另一個驚奇

哇! 真是令人害羞 

連小銅人都可以擺出那麼撩人的姿勢 ,實從希臘羅馬神話故事中便可略知一二
從天神宙斯開始就是亂源, 不僅跟很多神'過往甚密', 在羅馬個十二個主要神中,
有很多神都是他的子女, 其中最出名的就是俊美的阿波羅 


Centaurs hitting the hero Kaeneus with trunks of trees, bronze sheet 630 BC.
Kaeneus was the son of Elatus and Hippia from the Lapith family of Thessaly.
The myth tell us that Kaeneus was born a girl, with the name Kaenis, but her
lover, Poseidon, made her a man, at her own request and immortal. Kaeneus
could be exterminated only, if nailed to the ground. The hero took part in the
Argonautic expedition and also in the Kalydonian boar hunt. He was killed by
the Centaurs, as the picture shows, who nailed his feet to the ground and
crushed him to death, with trunks of trees. After his death, he was
transformed into a bird.


Olympia 考古學博物館
Photo by Vivi

這也是一人一間大展示室, 足見他的重要性
Hermes by Praxiteles in Olympia Museum is circa 340 to 330 BC and was found during excavation of Temple of Hera in 1877.
Hermes is shown holding the baby Dionysos in his arm. He was charged with transporting the baby to Mt. Nysa.

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