感恩節一過, 每家都開始裝潢,
有些人是熱熱鬧鬧, 有些人怕比不過鄰居乾脆不弄,
有些社區還會舉行大型燈光比賽, 吸引了眾多目光.....

所以我們小姐就去99 Cent store, 買了球. 雪花跟紅絲帶回來,
掛在我們的Palm Tree上, 有點熱帶, 有點奇怪.....雖然只花了三元美金

本來還想打電話去 Radio Station, 或是電視台,
看看可否獲得垂青, 幫我們佈置聖誕樹 for free.....
我想老闆是想把東西裝到胃裡, Yes, we have Xmas dinner tonight,
還要玩 Secret Santa 的遊戲, 抽籤幫對方準備 USD 50 左右的禮物......

I am expecting......

p.s 南加最佳聖誕燈光秀:
Christmas Tree Lane: Three blocks of trees decorated with colored lights bring the holiday spirit to Altadena.
Santa Rosa Ave., Altadena The Balian House: The 3-acre property features 10,000 colored lights and numerous holiday depictions.
Located on the corner of Mendocino Ave. and Allen in Altadena.
Upper Hastings Yule Light-Up: Each block of the area competes as the entire neighborhood is transformed into a winter wonderland.
Bordered by Michillinda Ave., Sierra Madre Blvd. and Riveria Dr. in Pasadena. (877) 793-9911 or www.PasadenaCal.com


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