近幾個月, 南加掀起一陣Lunch Truck 的熱潮
其實就是快餐車, 不過具有巧思的搭配, 反而帶來可觀的生意
有的把韓國烤肉加上Taco, 還是泰式酸辣的風味,
特別是這些快餐車出沒地點不定, 多半要靠時下流行的Twitter 才知道
不過似乎在West LA 那邊比較多阿......
There’s a mobile eatery around every corner: Catch them if you can.
Top-notch ingredients piled high on fries for the comfort foodie.
Order Up: Gourmet fry and soda pairings like steak rajas and ginger beer;
classic chili cheese fries with birch beer.
When & Where: Cruising commences in a week or two. Follow at twitter.com/frysmith.
South Philly Experience
Family recipes and Amorosa rolls anchor classic cheesesteaks.
Order Up: Meatball Parm sub, roasted pork sammie with broccoli rabe,
fresh-cut fries, and Tastycakes (hello, Butterscotch Krimpet).
When & Where: Look for the truck on the streets next week. Follow at twitter.com/southphillyexp.
Nom Nom Truck
Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches and iced coffee to get you going.
Order Up: Airy baguettes loaded with grilled pork or lemongrass chicken. Want a fresh spring roll with that?
When & Where: Launching this weekend at undisclosed locations. Follow at twitter.com/nomnomtruck.
Japanese flavors hit American streets on griddled sticky rice buns.
Order Up: Torakku beef burger slathered with secret sauce,
Torakku V pan-fried tofu burger, and off-the-wall Asian beverages.
When & Where: Stops show up on the site, but for exact locations, follow at twitter.com/marked5.
Fishlips Sushi
Kyoto-style temari takes sushi back to its fast food roots.
Order Up: Spicy tuna roll or crunchy shrimp tempura roll sushi sets come large
(eleven pieces) and small (nine pieces).
When & Where: Hours and locations updated on Sundays. Follow at twitter.com/fishlips_sushi.
Baby’s Badass Burgers
Sliders by pair for when you’re fixin’ for a quickie.
Order Up: Chicken sandwiches
(spicy Hot Chick with coleslaw and blue cheese; barbecue-sauced She’s Smokin with cheddar and crispy onions)
with a side of sweet potato fries.
When & Where: Schedule is updated daily. Follow at twitter.com/babysbbs.
‧Kogi BBQ truck,Follow at twitter.com/KogiBBQ;
‧Fishlips Sushi truck, Follow at twitter.com/Fishlips_Sushi;
‧Baby's Badass Burgers, Follow at twitter.com/BabysBBs;
‧Barbie's Q barbecue truck, Follow at twitter.com/BarbiesQ;
‧Bool BBQ Truck, Follow at twitter.com/BoolBBQ;
‧Border Grill Truck,Follow at twitter.com/BorderGrill;
‧Calbi BBQ truck,Follow at twitter.com/CalbiBBQ;
‧Coolhaus ice cream truck,Follow at twitter.com/coolhaus;
‧Don Chow Tacos,Follow at twitter.com/DonChowTacos;
‧Dosa Truck,Follow at twitter.com/dosatruck;
‧The Franken Stand,Follow at twitter.com/TheFrankenstand;
‧Frysmith,Follow at twitter.com/Frysmith;
‧Get Shaved,Follow at twitter.com/getshaved;
‧Green Truck on the Go,Follow at twitter.com/Green_Truck;
‧India Jones Chow Truck,Follow at twitter.com/IndiaJonesct;
‧Let's Be Frank,Follow at twitter.com/letsbefrank;
‧Locali Icycle,Follow at twitter.com/locali;
‧Lomo Arigato,Follow at twitter.com/lomoarigato;
‧Marked 5 truck,Follow at twitter.com/Marked5;
‧Nom Nom Truck,Follow at twitter.com/nomnomtruck;
‧Pop Up food cart,Follow at twitter.com/UpPopsPopUp;
‧The Pupusamobile,Follow at twitter.com/pupusamobile;
‧Skewers On Wheels,Follow at twitter.com/skewersonwheels;
‧South Philly Experience,Follow at twitter.com/SouthPhillyexp;
‧Spring Street Smokehouse truck,Follow at twitter.com/LABBQGuy;
‧Sprinklesmobile,Follow at twitter.com/Sprinklesmobile;
‧The Sweets Truck,Follow at twitter.com/TheSweetsTruck。