本來所謂的WHITE ELEPHANT 是把家裡不要的東西
那出來交換大清倉 可是因為都清不要的所以不好玩
我們把去年SECRET SANTA的遊戲改良一下

The White elephant gift exchange, or Yankee Swap, is a popular party game played during the Christmas season in the United States. The objective of the game is for guests of a party to each contribute one gift to the game, and ultimately each guest walks away with one gift from the game. Along the way is a random drawing to determine the order in which players get to unwrap gifts or "steal" previously opened gifts.


1. All gifts should be valued between a set value. This can vary based on the crowd, but should be standard for all attendees. Use your imagination to make it fun.

2. Participants bring their gifts wrapped or sealed in a gift bag, and often take care to hide the contents of the gift and the identity of the giver.

3. Gifts are placed in a designated area.

4. Participants draw numbers to see who goes first, second, etc. 

我們的規定是 按照號碼順序
一個禮物最多轉三次 所以越後面的越好 
如果第八個看上第三個的禮物 第八個可以跟第三個拿
第三個可以再跟別人拿 或選擇開新禮物

我們的第一號是老闆: 看她抽到的是NEMO (旁邊那隻小海龜忘記名字囉)

 How to Play: Survivor Gift Exchange

  1. There is an immunity idol hidden in the living room, whoever finds it can use the immunity idol on any gift that they "own" at any time. It will be safe, and no one can steal it.
  2. The guest who has drawn #1 goes first. He/she chooses a gift from the gift pile, opens the gift for all to see, and keeps it for the time being.
  3. The guest who has drawn #2 goes next. He/she can either choose to take an unopened gift from the gift pile or to "steal" a gift from any previous gift-opener.
  4. Allow each subsequent person to either unwrap a new gift, or steal any of the gifts previously opened. If someone's gift is stolen, that person can immediately unwrap a new one or steal another gift. No one can steal the gift that was just stolen from them.
  5. Continue until someone unwraps a new gift, then proceed onto the next number. The fourth "owner" of a gift gets to keep it. The gift is "dead" after it has been stolen three times. Owners of "live" gifts must keep them visible and hold them up when requested.
  6. After all turns have been taken, the person who has drawn #1 has the option of taking one more turn (stealing any gift - including "dead" gifts) since they had the disadvantage of not knowing what any of the now-opened presents were in the beginning.

第二位同事沒選前面老闆的NEMO 去挑了一個可以投影到牆壁上的RADIO CLOCK
(老闆不忘附註 最後的得主沒以遲到的理由吧!)

(現在這家在台灣好像已經沒有了 她們的冰沙最好喝囉 都是用BLENTEC打的)

有沒有發現 後面等著前面拆的比自己拆還要心急!

接著這位同事被大包裝跟緞帶所迷惑 選了一個很大的
結果是一個GIFT BASKET 不過後來最乏人問津

How to Play: Yankee Swap
  1. The guest who has drawn #1 goes first. He/she chooses a gift from the gift pile, opens the gift for all to see, and keeps it for the time being.
  2. The guest who has drawn #2 goes next. He/she chooses a gift from the gift pile, opens the gift for all to see, and can choose to keep the gift or swap it with any previous gift-opener. If guest #2 chooses to swap, he takes the chosen gift from the previous owner, and gives the gift which he/she just opened and gives it to them.
  3. Allow each subsequent person to unwrap a new gift and then keep it or swap it with the previously opened gifts.
  4. After all turns have been taken, the person who has drawn #1 has the option of taking one more turn (swapping any gift) since they had the disadvantage of not knowing what any of the now-opened presents were in the beginning.

看到別人抽到喜歡的 心理當然不好受阿

看部門助理抽到MI3 DVD跟一條圍巾 

看我"斗膽"把老闆手中的NEMO 搶過來了!!!


How to Play: Dirty Bingo

  1. The guests all sit in a circle around the pile of gifts in the middle of the circle. A shallow dish or bowl with two dice in it are passed around the circle, or more than one set of bowl with dice depending on the size of the group.
  2. If the player rolls doubles on the dice, they take a gift from the middle of the circle. The gift is not opened.
  3. Once all gifts from the middle of the circle are taken, play continues in the same fashion; however, with a change in the rules. When a player rolls doubles, they will take a gift that is still wrapped from another player.
  4. Once the center pile of gifts is exhausted and stealing of gifts begins, play continues for a specified amount of time or until each player has an equal amount of gifts, as determined by the group.
  5. This variation works best if each player brings more than one gift, but all players bring an equal amount of gifts.
  6. everyone has a blast!


瞧她喜不自勝的樣子 一下子就變成下面的光景

三方人馬角逐 戰況十分激烈!

最後通常Gift Card 最受歡迎~

當然包裝精美 也是很重要的 可能是很大一包 裡面很小
或是根本是一張卡片: 內藏gift card!


原文出處: 《LA.VOYAGE》Dept White Elephant Event 2006


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